Fitness: Describe People

How do we describe people who go to the gym? First of all, do you remember that we can call them gym-goers or gym bunnies (especially girls)? Now, let’s talk about their figure. VOCABULARY TO DESCRIBE FIT PEOPLE   JACKED or JACKED UP [dʒækt] with big muscles. SP: cuadrado, cachas; Read more…

Fitness Gear

Here are the names of some fitness accessories. To start with, the words with -bell: 1.BARBELL SP: haltera; FR: haltère long; RU: штанга. 2.DUMBBELL SP: mancuerna; FR: haltère; RU: гантеля. 3.KETTLEBELL SP: pesa rusa; FR: girevoy; RU: гиря. Is it called like this cause its form resembles a kettle? KETTLE SP: tetera; FR: Read more…

5 synonyms of “laugh”

How do we laugh? Do you giggle, chuckle or guffaw? In different situations, we would snigger or chortle. Let’s learn what all these words mean. GIGGLE at/about [ˈɡɪɡl]- to laugh in a silly way cause you’re embarrassed or nervous. SP: reírse nerviosamente; FR: rire bêtement; RU: глупо смеяться.   SNIGGER/SNICKER [ˈsnɪɡər] Read more…

Fun or Funny

These words are quite often confused by English learners. FUNNY (amusing; it makes you laugh) – SP: gracioso; FR: drôle; RU: смешной. FUN (enjoyable) – SP: ; divertido; FR: amusant, sympa; RU: увлекательный, приятный. Thus, Your trip/excursion/date/party is FUN. That clown/comedy movie/joke is FUNNY.   Our excursion to the water Read more…


Learn the words: A COUPLE (OF) a pair of un par пара ч-л TO FIND OUT discover descubrir обнаружить TO SNEEZE (body reaction) estornudar чихать WARNING notice, alert aviso предупреждение TO SURPASS [sɜːˈpɑːs] be better than superar превосходить TO IMPLY [ɪmˈplaɪ] insinuate insinuar намекать TO HAVE AN ISSUE with [ˈɪʃuː] Read more…

The Good Place 1 3

  Learn the words: WORD/PHRASE DEFINITION SPANISH RUSSIAN CON trick estafa, timo надувательство HOUSEWARMING [ˈhaʊs wɔːmɪŋ] to celebrate new home de estreno на новоселье STRAIGHT UP used to ask if what somebody has said is true or to emphasize that what you have said is true ciertamente несомненно FAULTY [ˈfɔːlti] Read more…

WORTHY. Add 11 words to your lexicon

If you know the word “worth”, you’ll probably have no problems with identifying the meaning of the words in this article.   The suffix “worthy” means “deserving something, or suitable for something”.   “SOMETHING” in this case is a root of a word. For instance, NEWSWORTHY. NEWS+WORTHY STORY = such an important Read more…

The Good Place S01 E08

Learn these words and phrases: ENGLISH SYNONYM/DEFINITION SPANISH RUSSIAN WHILE a period of time rato (некоторое) время HANDFUL OF a small quantity poco; puñado небольшое количество; горсть HARASSMENT the act of annoying or worrying somebody by doing unpleasant things to them acoso домогательство ARSON [ˈɑːrsn] the crime of deliberately setting Read more…

The Good Place 1-7

THE GOOD PLACE S 01 E 07   Tahani is busy organising a good-bye party for Michael, while Eleanor tries to prevent the architect’s retirement. Learn these words and phrases: ENGLISH DEFINITION/SYNONYM SPANISH RUSSIAN UNDERESTIMATE to think that the amount, cost or size of something is smaller than it is Read more…

The Good Place S01 E06

Watch the 6th episode of the show and do these tasks. Learn the following words and phrases. ENGLISH DEFINITION SPANISH RUSSIAN DOOMED certain to fail or be destroyed. destinado al fracaso обречен, обреченный на неудачу FLAW defect defecto дефект GO HAYWIRE go crazy, go out of order volverse loco, colapsarse Read more…

Supergirl Season 1 Episode 6

Learn these words and phrases: IT TURNS OUT proves to be resulta que оказывается GATHERING meeting reunion, fiesta вечер, посиделки, сбор TO MAKE A FOOL OF ONESELF do sth stupid which makes other people think that you are a fool ponerse en ridículo опозориться, поставить себя в глупое положение TO ALLY Read more…

The Good Place Season 1 Episode 5

 WORDS TO LEARN selfless thinking more about the needs, happiness, etc. of other people than about your own altruista бескорыстный, неэгоистичный to sum up to state the main points of something in a short and clear form resumir кратко излагать, сделать резюме revved up prepared for an important or exciting Read more…

7 idioms about time

– Are you one of those who can manage their time? – Or one of us? Running around various tasks, commitments. Trying to set priorities and ending up doing urgent things instead of important ones. Whichever campus you belong to, you’ll certainly make use of these idioms about time. Chase Read more…