Learn the words: A COUPLE (OF) a pair of un par пара ч-л TO FIND OUT discover descubrir обнаружить TO SNEEZE (body reaction) estornudar чихать WARNING notice, alert aviso предупреждение TO SURPASS [sɜːˈpɑːs] be better than superar превосходить TO IMPLY [ɪmˈplaɪ] insinuate insinuar намекать TO HAVE AN ISSUE with [ˈɪʃuː] Read more…

Supergirl S01 E05

  Learn these words before watching the episode. BE MAD AT sb angry at enfadado con alguien сердитый на к-л BUMPY uncomfortable with a lot of sudden unpleasant movements muy movido полет в болтанку (самолет трясло) TO HEAR FROM to receive a letter, email, phone call, etc. from somebody tener noticies Read more…

Supergirl Season 1 Episode 6

Learn these words and phrases: IT TURNS OUT proves to be resulta que оказывается GATHERING meeting reunion, fiesta вечер, посиделки, сбор TO MAKE A FOOL OF ONESELF do sth stupid which makes other people think that you are a fool ponerse en ridículo опозориться, поставить себя в глупое положение TO ALLY Read more…