Fitness Idioms

Fitness Idioms Here are some idioms that can be used in the gym.   A lot of women take up fitness to get rid of their SPARE TIRES. SPARE TIRE – literally means «extra wheel cover». SP: llanta de repuesto; FR: roue de secours; RU: запасное колесо. So, metaphorically it Read more…

Fitness Quiz

If you have read all the articles on FITNESS vocabulary, try this quiz.   FITNESS PHRASAL VERBS FITNESS PROBLEMS FITNESS IDIOMS FITNESS: HOW TO DESCRIBE PEOPLE FITNESS GEAR   Fill in the blanks. Mind GRAMMAR! Use these options: To TRIM DOWN, to ACHIEVE, to OVERTRAIN, to FILL OUT, to SWEAT OFF, Read more…

Fitness Phrasal Verbs

Catch five Phrasal Verbs people use to talk about fitness:   FILL OUT – become fatter, gain weight. SP: engordar; FR: grossir; RU: набирать вес. TRIM DOWN – lose weight, become thinner. SP: adelgazar; FR: maigrir; RU: худеть. BULK UP – put on muscle. SP: muscularse; FR: se muscler; RU: Read more…

Fitness: Describe People

How do we describe people who go to the gym? First of all, do you remember that we can call them gym-goers or gym bunnies (especially girls)? Now, let’s talk about their figure. VOCABULARY TO DESCRIBE FIT PEOPLE   JACKED or JACKED UP [dʒækt] with big muscles. SP: cuadrado, cachas; Read more…

Fitness Gear

Here are the names of some fitness accessories. To start with, the words with -bell: 1.BARBELL SP: haltera; FR: haltère long; RU: штанга. 2.DUMBBELL SP: mancuerna; FR: haltère; RU: гантеля. 3.KETTLEBELL SP: pesa rusa; FR: girevoy; RU: гиря. Is it called like this cause its form resembles a kettle? KETTLE SP: tetera; FR: Read more…